Program Description

Interested in automation or programming as a hobby, for your current profession or to explore a new career? Designed for beginners, students will work hands-on with low-cost hardware, basic electronic devices, and Arduino programming to develop skills quickly. Instructor-led, students are introduced to basic components and learn how to program them and how they work. Gain the confidence needed to combine many features together to create bigger, more complex operations.

Additional Details

Admission and Registration

You do not need to apply to begin this program. Simply ensure you meet the requirements listed on the Admission Requirements webpage prior to registering.

Learning Outcomes

Program learning outcomes outline what graduates need to know, and be able to do, after they complete a program.

  • Develop the skills needed to install and maintain the required programming software
  • Create simple programs using the Arduino IDE programming language
  • Create more complex programs and troubleshoot for automation projects
  • Create simple drawings of the hardware used using the Fritzing software


For details on related occupations, job market information and career opportunities, visit the Government of Canada Job Bank (opens in new window).

Next Steps

Frequently Asked Questions

College Resources

Program Contact

Continuing Education
Technology and Skills Development
Email Us

Completion Requirement

1 Course(s)

Arduino board


This program of studies applies to students starting the program in the current academic year. Students who began in other academic years may require different courses to be eligible to graduate. If you have questions regarding a strategy for completion email the Program Contact listed at the bottom of this page.

Click on the course names to view current availability.

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