
Course Description

The student will be able to read, summarize and analyze material relevant to the field of law enforcement; improve observation, memory and organization skills necessary for law enforcement; record non-verbal communication and understand its importance in law enforcement; report orally consistent with testifying in court or at a community meeting; and apply spelling and grammar fundamentals necessary for law enforcement.




Communication (COMMLL041) OR Communication D (COMM11040) OR Essential Communication Skills (COMM11000) OR Communication for Personal Support Workers (COMM10380) OR Communication for Business Professionals (COMM10381) OR Communications and Aviation Regulations 1 (COMM10187) OR English 1 (COMM10256)

Course Hours


Credit Value


This course is not open for registration at this time.

If it is part of a program (listed at the bottom left), you may visit the program page to review the schedule of course offerings.

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