
Course Description

Field placement provides the student an opportunity to learn through real life situations by benefitting from the knowledge and guidance of the child and youth work staff and their supervisors. The primary focus of placement is 1. To introduce the student to a variety of situations and expose him/her to a spectrum of community services, including public and private supported community agencies and institutions. 2. To enable the student to integrate classroom theories, field placement experiences and techniques used in the field. 3. To offer the student challenge and stimulus to learn and investigate. 4. To bring the student into contact with professional and to facilitate his/her professional growth. 5. To identify strengths and goal areas which may be developed through the educational program. 6. To offer graduated entry into the field of the child and youth work. 7. To provide an opportunity to evaluate his/her vocational choice. 8. To enable the students to assess his/her own performance in the field. Students must implement a counselling session with a client demonstrating basic attending and influencing skills.

Sections for this course may be restricted. Please check the Section notes to see if it's restricted and for information on requesting registration approval. 





Course Hours


Credit Value


This course is not open for registration at this time.

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