
Course Description

Explore current concepts and application of iterative project management in the workplace. Analyze various tools that can be used to support constraints and problems faced by the organization. Recommend ways to approach project problems through iterative planning principles. Advocate for adaptive project methodologies which reduce risk, increase flexibility and improve quality when dealing with the many types of projects with a high degree of change.

This course is restricted to students that have been accepted to the Project Management Program. The application deadline for the Winter 2023 Semester is December 1. To submit an application, please visit the CE Business Application Form


Project Management (BUSNBE305) OR Introduction to Project Management (HRES10013)



Course Hours


Credit Value


Applies to the following Programs


This course is not open for registration at this time.

If it is part of a program (listed at the bottom left), you may visit the program page to review the schedule of course offerings.

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