
Course Description

This course will provide a practical opportunity to demonstrate some of the vocational outcomes below. The placement will consist of 196 hours of participation in an ABA / IBI program for children with ASD. The student will further develop their technical skills through application of their knowledge gained in the prerequisite courses. In addition to implementing a further range of treatment plans, students will be required to critically evaluate ongoing interventions within the placement. Students will continue to have the opportunity to observe and practice the ethical application of behavioural principles / techniques.

You must register in WORK10145 at the same time as this course.

Sections for this course may be restricted. Please check the Section notes to see if it's restricted and for information on requesting registration.
Students must have all their Preplacement Requirements or non-academic requirements up-to date throughout the duration of their placement. 


Introduction to Applied Behaviour Analysis (HSCI10042) AND Autism - Introduction to Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) (HSCI10041) AND Ethics and Professionalism (EDUC10034) AND Specialized Instructional Strategies (EDUC10030) AND Field Placement (WORK10596) AND Autism Behavioural Science Seminar 1 (WORK10151) AND Field Placement Preparation (WORK10152) AND Transition Planning and Implementation (EDUC10031)



Course Hours


Credit Value


Applies to the following Programs


This course is not open for registration at this time.

If it is part of a program (listed at the bottom left), you may visit the program page to review the schedule of course offerings.

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