Program Description

This post-diploma program provides Early Childhood Education graduates with the training required to work with preschool children with exceptionalities. The curriculum focuses on inclusive practices, assessment and programming, and community collaboration techniques. Additionally, two field placements enhance student learning experiences. Graduates will be qualified to become Resource Teachers as defined by the Child Care and Early Years Act (CCEYA).

As a requirement for graduation, students must complete two in-person field placements. Potential and in-progress students must be aware that most agencies accepting clinical/placement students require you to be fully vaccinated with Health Canada approved vaccines and submit a valid Vulnerable Sector Check. Students are strongly encouraged to review placement expectations by visiting our ECE Resource Consulting Field Placement Information webpage. 

Additional Details

Tuition and Fees

Course Fees

Continuing Education students will register and pay on a course-by-course basis. Students will pay for each course selected during the registration process. The Continuing Education course cost breakdown can be found on the Fees and Financial Information webpage. OntarioLearn fees will be charged where applicable.

PC/Laptop Requirement

Students are required to have reliable access to a computer/laptop.


Textbook costs can be found on the Campus Store website.

Preplacement Requirements

If programs include a clinical, practicum, or field placement, students may be required to complete Preplacement Non-Academic Requirements (NARs). Full details will be provided in the course. This is an additional cost (above tuition/ancillary fees and textbooks). More information can be found on the Preplacement Services website and ECE Resource Consulting Field Placement Information page.

Admission and Registration

You must be accepted into the program prior to registering for courses. Intakes are available every Fall and Spring.

Apply Now!

Admission Requirements:

  • An Ontario Early Childhood Education Diploma OR proof of registry with the College of ECEs 

All applicants submitting academic history completed outside of Canada must provide confirmation of equivalency. This can be coordinated through one of the following:

Instructions on how to submit supporting documentation (eg. official Post-Secondary transcript) will be provided during the application process. If you do not have an Ontario Early Childhood Education diploma, but have similar academic education, you may contact the College of ECEs (opens in new window) to have your academic history and work experience assessed for recognized equivalency. For assistance with the application process or for an update on your application, please contact

Recommended Requirements:

  • Previous experience working with children with special needs recommended, but not required. 
  • Registration with the College of ECEs (opens in new window) recommended, but not required.
  • Excellent oral and written communication skills.
    • If you struggle with communications or your first language is not English, you are encouraged to explore upgrading options available through our Applied Communications Centre.
  • Basic computer skills.
    • Be familiar with basic computer skills (word processing, email-based systems) prior to considering this program. To upgrade computer skills, consider an introductory 'Computer Basics' course or a Learning Support Centre workshop before applying.

Financial Assistance

This program is recognized by the Ontario ECE Grants Program. To learn more or to determine eligibility for the Ontario ECE Grant funding, please visit the ECE Grants webpage (opens in new window). If you are eligible for ECE Grant funding and have been accepted into the ECE Resource Consulting program at Mohawk College, please contact our office for assistance with course registration.

Learning Outcomes

Program learning outcomes outline what graduates need to know, and be able to do, after they complete a program.

Review the Ministry of Colleges and Universities (MCU) program learning outcomes.


Academic Opportunities

Mohawk Pathways offers a diverse range of programs to further your studies. Equivalences and/or course exemptions may apply. Prerequisite courses and/or minimum averages may be required. Our internal pathways map (PDF) demonstrates how completion of this program can lead to future education choices. Visit Pathways and Credit Transfer for degree completion opportunities outside of Ontario or visit to view opportunities at other colleges or universities within Ontario.

Career Opportunities

Industries of Employment

  • Childcare Agencies
  • Municipal, Non-Profit or Private Day Care Centres
  • Nursery Schools and Cooperative Preschools
  • Parent-child Drop-In Centres
  • Professional Resource Centres
  • Hospital Programs and Playrooms
  • District School Boards
  • Special Needs Resource Agencies

For details on related occupations, job market information and career opportunities, visit the Government of Canada Job Bank (opens in new window).

Next Steps

Wait for your confirmation of acceptance. Once accepted into the program, you will receive a Welcome Email from Mohawk College with further information on registering for courses. 

Field Placement / Clinical

During the program, you are required to complete two in-person field placements. Students are strongly encouraged to review placement expectations by visiting our ECE Resource Consulting Field Placement Information page for additional details. 

Frequently Asked Questions

College Resources

Program Contact

Continuing Education
Education and Library Studies
Email Us

Completion Requirement

8 Course(s)

male teacher playing with a young child on the floor


This program of studies applies to students starting the program in the current academic year. Students who began in other academic years may require different courses to be eligible to graduate. If you have questions regarding a strategy for completion email the Program Contact listed at the bottom of this page.

Click on the course names to view current availability.

A selection of courses will be offered each term. Visit our course schedule page for a tentative list of future offerings.

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